Contact Information Update Form Home Carthage Alumni Contact Information Update Form In This Section Carthage Alumni› Alumni EventsAlumni NewsAlumni ResourcesVolunteer OpportunitiesStay ConnectedAlumni AwardsContact Alumni Relations Don’t miss out on fun events and important College updates! Update your contact information below. Not getting our email newsletters? Carthage sends monthly email newsletters to our parents, alumni, and friends. Sign up for The Beacon, the monthly e-newsletter to alumni and friends of the College, or email with questions. The Aspire Network is the new Carthage Alumni Directory. Stay in touch with old classmates and connect with alumni in your region and industry. Alumni can also engage with Carthage students through the Alumni Mentor Program on this new platform. • • • By clicking submit, you agree to allow Carthage to send you mail and/or emails. You may change your contact preferences at any time. If you have any difficulty completing the form below, call 800-551-1518. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. full_name required text field Full Name* preferred_name text field Preferred Name previous_name text field Previous Name preferred_pronouns text field Preferred Pronouns email_address required e-mail address field Email address* affinity checkbox field AffinityPlease select all that apply! Current Student Alumni Parent Grandparent Faculty/Staff Family Member class_year required text field Class Year* street_address required text field Street Address* include unit number, if applicable city required text field City* state required text field State* zip_code required text field Zip Code* phone_number text field Phone Number full_name_of_spouse_or_domesti text field Full Name of Spouse or Domestic Partner If you would like your partner to be included in address and salutation lines, please include their name here. spouse_or_partners_email_addre text field Spouse or Partner’s Email Address spouse_or_partners_class_year text field Spouse or Partner’s Class Year employer text field Employer job_title text field Job Title give_us_an_update text field Give us an update! Want to tell us something about where you are now or what you’re doing? We’d love to hear from you. do_you_have_a_relative_who_is text field Do you have a relative who is a Carthage graduate? If so, please list their name, class year, and relationship to you. Link (required)